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Hearts in Rugby Union

We are here to help seriously injured rugby players. Not only those with spinal injuries, but all those players who have experienced a life altering injury. Helping Rugby help it own.

Hearts in Rugby Union is a charity that is all about assisting players who have suffered severe life changing injury during a rugby game.

Rugby is a wonderful game played by people who enjoy the spirit of “mateship” and “fair play”. Unfortunately, some players through a freak accident have their lives changed forever. Life altering injuries place a physical, emotional, and financial strain on the player for the rest of their lives.

We aim to ensure those severely injured players who are suffering financial hardship receive the best possible support throughout their lives. 

Hearts in Rugby Union is a registered charity that assists seriously injured rugby union players (affectionately called “Wheelies”) who have suffered a life-changing injury during a rugby game. It was founded in 2007 by injured player Rocky Mileto and several like-minded rugby mates after they realised that no one in rugby was taking care of its fallen players. “Hearts” came into existence to fill this massive void of care and support – its name is no coincidence.
17 Years of Helping Rugby Help Its Own

Helping Rugby's Forgotten Players since 2007.


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